Monday, March 9, 2009



My friend called me at about 11am, and woke me up. I appreciated that, actually, that's not the part that's tripping me out.

I'm in FL at home for spring break, and I'm with my younger siblings. My just-recently-turned-4-yr-old sister comes in the room, while I'm talking on the phone and starts jibber-jabbering away. I ask her if she'd tell me a joke. She loves to tell random, often nonsensical jokes. She says...

"Ok. What if... Tinkerbell got stuck in someone's butt?" she then laughed rather maniacally. She drew an accompanying picture, too. It's as if she's a mini Demetri Martin, only slightly less skilled.

Witness Tinkerbell, in all her fairy glory, stuck between the cheeks of an unobservant nudist.

I do think my sister poses an interesting question. If fairies existed, I imagine there would be a lot of accidents of this kind. Maybe they did once exist, and have long-since been squished to death by the bottoms of prehistoric man ;)